Calling all Reserve Deputies, Part-time Officers, and non-sworn Civilian Employees of a government entity or public safety agency support personnel. Become an Associate Member of Lodge #50. Enjoy the benefit of having the strength of the Fraternal Order of Police labor team behind you. Non-sworn employees include but are not limited to Dispatchers, Crime Scene, Community Service Officers, Civilian Crash Investigators, Parking Enforcement Specialists, clerks, and others. As an added advantage, an Associate Member can easily upgrade to Active Member of Lodge 50 once employed as a full-time police or corrections officer.
To qualify, you must meet any one of the following requirements:
- Reserve and part time law enforcement or corrections officers while employed by a law enforcement, corrections, or public-safety agency
- Non-sworn, civilian employees of a government entity, law enforcement, corrections, or public safety agency
Associate memberships are predicated by the associate member’s employment with a government entity, law enforcement, corrections, or public safety agency. When an associate member’s employment is terminated, their affiliation with Jim Fogelman Lodge 50 Inc ends as well. When employment is terminated and the associate member is utilizing a Legal Defense Plan in support against termination, membership will be held in abeyance pending an outcome. It is the associate member’s duty to notify the Lodge of any change in employment status.
Applications are available online. Click here to learn more and to apply.