FOP Lodge 50 Palm Beach County FL
FOP Lodge 50 Palm Beach County FL

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ATTENTION AREA BUSINESS OWNERS AND SPONSORS! Show your support of our 2024 Children's Holiday Show by advertising in the official show program.
Mar 01, 2024

Run, run, run as fast as you can to catch this jolly holiday musical filled with original songs, puppetry, audience interaction, and a heartwarming tale of family traditions. This year's show, "The Gingerbread Man, A Holiday Musical", will be performed at the spacious and comfortable Village of Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center on December 4th, 2024. Children, parents and grandparents will once again witness a delightful performance presented by Don Gruel and Noel Holland of Atlantic Coast Theater for Youth. Don and Noel have partnered with FOP Lodge 50 for the third year in a row, producing quality youth entertainment. All this would not be possible without the financial support of our local business community and private sponsors and boosters. We thank you all for your past generosity and look forward to your continued support for 2024. Telephone solicitations are currently underway.  Use the convenient online payment link below if you wish to sponsor an ad or contribute. From all of us here at FOP Lodge 50, we thank you for your sponsorship and patronage. To learn more about Don and Noel, check out  Atlantic Coast Theater


Show your support of our 2024 Children's Holiday Show by advertising in the official show program.

Call our Program Sales Office at 561-432-8383 or

Email: to learn more! 


The Jim Fogleman FOP Lodge #50, Inc partners with a local, third party solicitation firm seeking support from only the area business community selling tax-deductible advertising space in our annual show program.  The money received supports this successful holiday theater production as well as for the general welfare of the Lodge. The callers are not members of the Lodge nor employees of the Palm Beach Sheriff's Office and should not be representing themselves as such. Our business office is located at 175 South Congress Avenue, Suite 304, Palm Springs, FL 33461

Our supporter's information is never sold or shared with data brokers or other marketing firms.  Our sales efforts do not include automated or annoying "robocalls" as other NON-LOCAL organizations continue to use.  Unfortunately, we receive complaints regarding calls from other police-related organizations. We want you to know that these organizations are not affiliated with Jim Fogleman Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #50 Inc and any money you donate will not support us or the show.  Please consider this when you decide to make your pledge. Always ask the caller if the organization directly supports Jim Fogleman FOP Lodge #50.  The members of Jim Fogleman Lodge #50 appreciate our business community's past and future support. Thank you all for your generous contributions. If you have questions regarding telephone solicitation, call our office at 561-899-5050 extension 802. 

The Fraternal Order of Police Jim Fogleman Lodge #50, Inc is a Florida Not for Profit Corporation that is supported by donations.  A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Florida Division of Consumer Services by calling Toll-Free within the state at 800-435-7352.  Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the state.  FEIN 23-7151870.  Registration CH29.  Advertisements are tax-deductible as a business expense. 

Fraternal Order of Police Jim Fogleman Lodge # 50, Inc.
P.O. Box 13044
North Palm Beach, FL 33408

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